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Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Framaris :THX to the great safety cars

aye thanks chaps, when my car cut out I was checking my pedals everything then realised no fuel, ohhh fram how i swore

Thanks for the push
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Ah, thanks for the comments! Actually, I'm not sure about points. As I wrote above, for now there are no points for anything, no ranks. But will this be acceptable? The problem with multiclass racing could be that the people in slower cars have a hard time to know at what position they race and what is their race result. Race points help in this respect. Airio also reports to everyone his current position in his class, using the timing buttons. The ultimate tool could be client-side Aonio with nice overview of the people you're actually racing with on a multiclass server. Anyway, what do you think about points? Yes or no? Keep in mind that even if points/ranks are used anyone will be free to hide all this info, completely.

This is the reason.
If I am driving the slower of the two classes, and im in first place, but the faster car class group has 10 cars, I am in 11th, LFS reports this & that is the reality of the position reported on the server.
This is why I don't do multiclass, unless official events.
I understand what your trying to achieve, but this problem cannot be fixed.

I understand you are trying to create a popular server for multiclass racing, but maybe the problem is the classification and not having lots off different cars.
You could tweak so that all GTR are the same speed XFR UFR FZR XRR FXR etc.
That would be fine for me, i could drive any car and know i am fighting for a REAL position.
But as it stands, unless i Choose the fastest class, I am not fighting for a real position. in my slower class car LFS World will see me 11th, and thats important to me.

Dont take this the wrong way EQ, just my honest feeling about why multiclass will never work for myself and maybe a few others.

What happens is from what i see people Will use the slower class, only when:

A> they need to gain points to get to faster cars
B> the majority of racers are using this
C> they like the car and dont care about LFS stats too much

Like I say restricting all variations of vehicles to the speed of the slowest
Fixes A B C.

Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from tedkurtz :
Gener_AL (UK), How did you get that?

Just a quick mock up with paint
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from tedkurtz :Is there a command for saving a Setup? If not, it would be really nice to have one. For example, when in the Garage, have a command that will allow one to save the current setup with a specified name. It is always possible to keep all this info in a notebook, but in this computer age it should be possible to save this info in a file.

Of course, it would then also be nice to be able to load a saved setup into a car in the Garage.

Thank you.


AFAIK if you have installed LFS correctly File association works fine.
Double click a Setup file on your desktop and it will copy it to your installed LFS/Data/Setup Folder.


IF there were default folders for each track etc, could it not be made so that when a player sends the set on a particular track it gives it the prefix of the shortname of the track.

player A, sends a set to player B
this received set automatically when saving gives it the prefix and is automatically placed in the track folder.

Again this would also help with the file association of double clicking a setup file and copying to the correct path.
Possibly this has been mentioned in the past, just thought id bring this back up

But My picture above really does show a folder system is badly needed also, and a quick button to controller options would be nice
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : *few more thoughts
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I think he means he would like something Like this

Rotation rant & idea
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I still am not happy with rotating track more then once per 24 hours, otherwise there is no way to truly learn if the track keeps changing every hour or even less.
Maybe server takes votes over the 24 hours and then that is chosen for next daily combo.
I do not like rotation as it is on most popular servers its annoying as hell to get on pace then track changes.
Or I join because i see a combo I like, so I then join and then it rotates.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Glad it worked but this has been a problem on my machine on builds Z > Z28+CPS.

It happens after you have had multi-monitor setup/ then one monitor removed.
LFS still thinks there is another monitor.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
!msg (paste username to look like is typing)<your message here> ?
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I do feel for you guys in upside down land and thereabouts, but lets face it if servers were occupied by us Brits you be complaining you never win either.

Maybe try focus racing on a server or two build up the userbase if possible?

But maybe your original plan is best, I know one of our guys from R2R recently moved to Australia so he will be looking to kick ass that is for sure, smizzi aka Biker.

Good luck with finding some good racing
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Tapes... yes... when I first wrote computer programs we only had tapes.

That is, audio cassette tapes with an audio cassette recorder plugged into the computer.

So you started programming on a spectrum :detective

heh, Im just waiting for someone to start on about cartridges and uber old mainframes and discs the size of dustbin lids

I think what always stands out for me is efficiency in coding of games, looking back through time, some games on systems like the spectrum and c4 amiga etc, were created in such a way they worked around limitations of hardware/pushed the hardware to its limits and beyond.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
"Mmm" S1 portable floppy edition

Back to the credits thing though, I really miss that,I really felt it helped with the learning curve, they way it shaped the servers and grouped the community as it developed.
The birth of servers where you have to earn credits via insim, has filled that void mostly, but I do miss My LFS Credits.
That that credit system could be used for many different things.

But how could this be done without affecting players ability to use the car they want?
Maybe this credit system could be used as game mode?
All cars locked. Earn credits in races to unlock *RPG mode*
call cars unlocked no credits earned for wins *Normal mode*

I dunno, just some random thoughts.
Sorry to go off topic a little, but I do miss the LFS Credit system.
And if I can be honest, you should never have removed it.

Please be gentle.

*older thread* that maybe this discussion about credit should continue on. ... 4251&highlight=credit
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : self moderation
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed





Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Nick7 :Question to people who complain about 'outdated' graphics.

What you actually expect/wish for, as for updated graphics?
What should be improved?

Here is what I would like to see. If it ever happens I think the world would be a much nicer place.

Lighting Improvements - from scene lighting/time of day to object lighting shadows/headlights/ track lights etc.
higher poly models /car & driver with optional LOD , more defined destruction /damage of models.
Rally dirt decals maybe more persistant dust levels, laying of dirt on tarmac track etc.
Weather effects and actually cockpit screen misting dirt spray etc.
ingame gamma/contrast/brightness/satuarion controls of course.

Thats about it from dreamland, forget that depth of field stuff, that's down to how the individual focuses,Its ok for some genres but please keep it out of racing games.
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : * I dont think Ive complained but since you asked..
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Alric :
I hope there are better days again for lfs because it really does deserve it.

Indeed it does.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
damn it, and damn again.

Congratulations to those that made it to the podium, and thanks to everyone for the good racing. Getting ready for next season ;
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
IF anyone wants some TBO racing, I will be around tonight here


All welcome
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Servers are not the issue its the drivers of the TBO vehicles.

I must of beat them all once too often
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from speed1230 :Typical demo servers, well you're gonna have to stick with it until you get S2

Missed out something "Typical demo server kids"

Try AA Demo Servers or Redline, always quite skilled and usually you can find an admin around.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Ok boss, then have a nice cup of coffee for now, thats an order.....
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Worked for me also on a 2nd install (dirty one from backup media) copied to HD then run that setup file.

Also While adding this Vic get that LFS Replay on that page also
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :And we were supposed to all be paying for Facebook by now as well?

not yet, another 1.5 years or so


Here is an example why
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : R&amp;D
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Just an idea - would it be possible to render cars in their positions on the LFSRecord map? It could be useful when setting cameras etc.

They are drawn (small blue circular crosshairs) if you get the car null data after setting up the replay manager.

*sorry flame misread / I take you do mean actually render the shape of the car rather then just the "thingies"
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Litro :Still something is not OK. It goes too fast now..

when adding bmp to vegas just chose the first one and in the bottom in "import media" there is a "select sequential" tick that and select first image that LFSrecord has chosen (it will scale it).

Quick Vid test.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from xtraction :well you obviously dont get the point of it.

I do really, Trust me I do.
Announcing this before the series OK no problem.
But you decide now?
Seriously guys you put cobbled together idea before the race starts / after round 3? Round 3 needed more attention to corners then this / or is this a knee jerk reaction to the last race?
Cant believe you are serious with this.

A> It ruins the flow, its exciting without this monstrosity of a roadblock.
B> Its not needed there are more dangerous corners then t1 on this track.
C> its not AS6R anymore!
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :T1 was amazing as it was, get that awful thingy off the track

** edit the newer version ..

I cannot really see why this is needed.
Absolutely pointless.
Its on the damn Racing line on the the track in the centre of the exit.
Might as well put tyres marking the racing line in the harder bits also, to make sure eh.....
AS6R +some stuff in track
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : wtf